Saturday, November 14, 2009

CPR for the Written Word

The publishing industry is in serious trouble. Newspapers are folding. Magazines—even some of long standing—are stopping publication. Publishers are shutting their doors. Even those that are able to stay in business are only accepting manuscripts from established authors or public figures. It is nearly impossible for an unknown writer to get a foot in the door at a traditional publishing house. Almost no one can take a chance on an unknown when profitability is in danger.

You can help by:

1.Subscribing to your favorite magazine.

2.Give books for gifts.

3.If you use the library, still buy a book each month.

4.Support your local bookstores—particularly independent owners.

5.Only use Amazon as a last resort. The authors and the publishers make very little profit when you buy from Amazon. Frequently, the publisher's price is competetive with Amazon.

6.If buying in bulk, try the publisher or the author first.

7.Don’t give up on your newspaper unless you want to be without one. If you refuse to buy the local paper, at least buy a regional or national paper.

9.Do not buy a Kindle (personal bias).

10.If you have moral objections to many of the publications, support your Christian Booksellers. Subscribe to a Christian magazine. There are still some good ones around but they are struggling.

Writers, journalists, publishers, magazines, newspapers are in danger of extinction. If we don’t support them we are hastening the death of the industry.

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