Tuesday, November 13, 2007

book ideas

Some of you don’t know that I am planning to write a book. I have been writing all sorts of things for the past year. Now the question becomes, “How do I bring it all together?” I have the letters that I have written from Houston dealing with the cancer experience from the caregiver’s side. That topic, however, seems so overdone. I can’t imagine that I have anything new to add.
I also thought about writing a sort of memoir about the “sandwich generation” which would include experiences in caring for aging parents, children and spouses. The problem with any sort of memoir is that it smacks of preoccupation with self. The market is flooded with them. Personally I like to read them but then I like to read most things that are well written. I even had a title picked out “Growing Up Boomer”, since I was born in the first year of the post war boom. I was deflated when I read that Cristopher Buckley came out with “Boomsday” and Tom Brokaw with “Boom”. Glad to know I had a timely idea, sorry Tom beat me to the punch. What bad luck!
Whatever I plan to write I’d better get with it or I’ll be dead before I can finish!

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