“When thou liest down, thou shall not be afraid: yea, thou shalt lie down and thy sleep shall be sweet” (Proverbs 3: 24).
I have had sleeping problems most of my life. I suffered from insomnia, night terrors, sleep walking and talking, and most other sleep disturbances. In college and during my young adult years, my main problem was falling asleep. In later years I had trouble staying asleep.
I’ve tried every method to cure insomnia—warm milk, a hot toddy, a clean conscience—and finally hit on a routine that helps. A warm bath, an hour or two of reading, a comfortable bed (preferably my own), high count cotton sheets, a room with good feng shui, and a few melatonin upon retiring. The room temperature has to be just right—not too hot, not too cold. The covers must be the right weight and the pillow neither too firm nor too squishy. When I am worried, I don’t count sheep, I repeat Bible verses.
These tips might help you get the quality sleep essential to mental and physical health:
1. Try to adhere to a regular bedtime.
2. Take a warm bath before retiring.
3. Keep the room cool. (68 degrees is good for me.)
4. Use natural fibers in bedding.
5. Avoid caffeine after 5 p.m.
6. If you are disturbed by noises, try a sound machine. (white noise, waves, birds chirping)
7. If you are over forty, consider melatonin supplements.
8. Keep a notepad by your bedside to record last minute thoughts.
9. Practice gratitude. Fall asleep thanking God for the blessings of the day.
10. Memorize scripture verses to repeat when you awaken in the night.
Tomorrow, I will discuss the benefits of melatonin as a sleep aid and as an immune system booster in cancer treatment.
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