Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Get off the Couch, Potato

4. Exercise at least four days per week. (mixing Pilates, Barre Tone, walking)

Don’t worry. You didn’t miss resolutions 2 and 3. My original intention was to discuss the resolutions in the listed order. However, today I am skipping ahead to # 4 because the topic goes hand in hand with a book I am recommending written by my friend and colleague, Kathi Casey. If you are fighting cancer or if you are caregiver for someone who is, you probably have little time to devote to organized exercise. Kathi's book will give you some creative ways to incorporate fitness into your daily routine--however hectic it might be.

You probably know by now how these promotions work. If you purchase the book today, you will receive hundreds of bonuses from authors (including me), business leaders, and experts in various fields.

Note: I am recommending Kathi’s book not endorsing the products or services included in the bonuses. That said, I’m sure there are some among the many partners that you would find helpful and in keeping with a Christian world view.

About the book:

“Get Off the Couch Potato!” is a powerful, yet fun, 30-day fitness program you can begin while lying on your couch watching TV! Each day's exercise is demonstrated by Kathi's lovable Couch Potato!

Kathi Casey's awesome 30-day fitness plan is the perfect solution for over-worked parents, television addicted teens, out of shape Baby Boomers, and more. Destined to become a classic, this little book will make you laugh and provide you with many tips and tools so you can take charge of your own health care - regardless of what Congress does! Pick up your copy of "Get Off the Couch, Potato!" now!

The GREATEST GOLDMINE of inspirational affirmations and daily exercises designed to get the most dedicated "couch potatoes" off the couch and moving! Make 2012 the year that you achieve those New Year’s resolutions to get back in shape – You deserve it!

Tomorrow guest blogger, David Haas, cancer survivor and patient advocate with the Mesothelioma Cancer Alliance, will share more on this topic.

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